
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

La Tomatina 2015 (Tomato Festival)

La Tomatina 70th Anniversary

La Tomatina, the world’s largest tomato-throwing festival, begins Wednesday as up to 22,000 revelers are expected to meet up in the tiny Valencian town of Bunol on the East coast of Spain. This year takes on added significance as it marks the 70th anniversary since the wacky festival first came to… fruition.
There isn’t a definitive history of how the event got started. Some believe it happened when two young boys got into a fight during a local parade before they began lobbing tomatoes from a local vegetable stand at each other. Others believe that the tomatoes were thrown in protest against an unfavorable decision made by the city council, or launched at a particularly bad local musician. What the storytellers in the quaint Spanish town of just 10,000 people all agree on, though, is that the annual act of throwing tomatoes at each other for fun began in 1945 on the last Wednesday in August.
While there was no official event until years later, locals from the small town decided to meet annually, bringing their own tomatoes to the fight. Time and time again, however, police and local leaders attempted to have the whole event canned, apparently upset with the waste of food and the mess it made of the town.
During the peak of the Franco dictatorship in the 1960s, which ended in 1975, La Tomatina was banned, as it had no religious significance. But once Franco’s reign ended, San Luis Bertran, the local patron of the town, began organizing the event and even supplied the tomatoes for locals to throw. It wasn’t until 1980 that the local council took control of the event and the modern La Tomatina festival was born.
In 2002, the event was declared an official festival by the Spanish Department of Tourism because of its overwhelming success.
The day, which starts at 11 a.m. and uses around 150,000 tomatoes, cannot begin until a participant climbs up a greasy pole in the town square and retrieves a ham that is attached to the top. Once the ham is down, the throwing can begin. Since 2013, a fee of $12 is charged to take part in the event. Participation capacity has been reduced from 50,000 to around 22,000 for safety reasons.

All around Buñol on the last Wednesday of every August, storefronts are shuttered. Trucks hauling thousands of pounds of tomatoes grown and harvested specifically for this day head for Plaza del Pueblo, the town square, where a Spanish ham is suspended from the top of a greased pole. What ensues once this ham is successfully retrieved (or not retrieved, as is often the case, by a succession of hapless climbers) is arguably the world’s largest food fight: La Tomatina. For a moment of blissful, heartwarmingly innocuous chaos, tens of thousands of visitors to this small Spanish town indulge a universal childhood fantasy and shower each other with tomatoes in a wild, watery mess.
For its 70th anniversary, Doodler Nate Swinehart captures the energy of today’s festivities with an animation awash in splattered tomatoes and brimming with the youthful delight of its characters.